Dragstrip...LFS has one, why not have cars that run on it too? I bet more people would use dragsters and pro street cars than would the RAC and F08 combined Anyways, I was really just stating that having a "real" track is nice, but after realizing what hassles can be involved in making a real track model, if it's easier to just make up tracks, then fine. The made up ones they make are just as good anyways. I know what it's like just having to hang up a sign that tells you where the restrooms are at race tracks. It can quite literally become a nightmare. I'm clueless as to what sort of Cluster running around the track with a laser scanner must be like.
Belize... Belize shoulda been the centerpoint of this discussion. Yeah. They don't have dragstrips there.
You don't do that to Hillary. If you did, your private parts would catch on fire or something and bizarre freak accidents would happen to your surviving relatives. Like finding one that died by having swallowed 2400 locusts at once. You mess with her, it's like messing with Revelations/Necronomicon type stuff.
.....This culminated in the act of whakapohane (performers baring their buttocks in contempt for an unwelcome visitor).)
we call that mooning here. It used to be considered a something of a prank. Thanks to hypersensitivity, political correctness and mass paranoia in general now it technically falls under indecent exposure statutes and considered a sexual offense like rape and child molestation. One that pretty much cost a friend his life. He's doing something like 20 years on crap all piled up on him being out drunk somewhere and mooning a couple of girls that were a couple of years under 18 in some hick town in the dreaded bible belt. No, not a perv, just drunk... Nice guy. Just not a very smart one. When he gets out, he'll pretty much be useless mental wise. And then he'll be past retirement age at that. On good behavior, he might get out in '26 That's plenty of enough time for him to live up to being a lonely derelict, dying in some skid row boarding house.
Too bad he didn't have celebrity status like performers do, huh?
Yeah, I miss that dude.... some of the crazy stuff we used to get into. Someone forgot to tell him the nineties ended.
Rockingham.... I've been playing it quite a bit. I love the oval. But to tell the truth, if this is what we can expect from "real" tracks, then what you make up is just fine. Don't get me wrong. I appreciate what I assume is the most faithful reproduction you could do. But as to whoever designed it compared to the tracks y'all designed? Let's see.... the train tracks on South City. A trestle bridge and slot-car track corners on Fern Bay and the corkscrew from hell on Aston. I dunno. You could probably teach race track designers a thing or two about making real tracks. Future cars.... I know you're up to something with that end of things. And I'm sure those will be great as well, whatever it is. I'm not going to go there about the VW, but for Pete's Sake! If you're going to make new cars, make something for the dragstrip! There's six zillion video games of cars going in circles, how many for cars going in a straight line? lol think outside the box.
You know, at first I thought 36 pounds was a bit steep for someone that decided to buy all the licenses at once. But compared to the prices for the new titles, it's really not all that much. Yeah. I paid about 35 bucks Belize for S3. Not bad. I think it was 24 something U.S. for S2. You know their money has the Queen on it? They love Queen Elizabeth to death there. She's the only person on their currency. If you ever get a chance to go to the Caribbean, you should go to Belize. Yeah. I found out about the Rockingham release about the same time I was trying to figure out what the cram into a backpack. Sorry for spamming about Belize.
Ever hear the old saying about throwing rocks and glass houses?
OK. So we have psychos that gun down politicians because their pet told them to do so. We have people with agendas sowing disinformation and assorted negative gossip about politicians. We even have anarchistic cranks like my self going to politicians support sites and trolling the crap out of them, but us Americans have our limits.
We don't throw sex toys at our politicians, no matter how bad they suck.
You got that, A Prime Minister that has a thing for tugging pig tails and now you're messing with your flag after everyone finally figured out which one was yours.
What the hell is going on with your country? Is huffing paint legal in New Zealand? No. It's all that notpot y'all are smoking. Yeah must be that.
And I thought we were going over the deep end with frankenfood and fracking for earthquakes......
... I suck at dealing with forums....Scawens quote's are supposed been there... Screw it.
S3.... If you're just playing the demo and getting hooked? Nah. Start with S1, then get S2 if you're still into it. It's cheaper than most other video games that way. All S3 is is really one more series of track configurations. For a die hard fan, it makes perfect sense to do so. It's really cheap for us. And it comes with the guarantee that if they ever do do anything else, they'll throw it in as well. THat beats having to go to the store, or even download from STEAM as it just appears.
Some people have stated this is some sort of take the money and run trick. Really? Why would they still be active on the forums if that was the case? Why the transparency in development? No. I imagine there's going to be a few more things before the game is over.
As far as Rockingham goes.... I appreciate the work put into making this track. I imagine there was a whole lot of headache involved. Do they really use all those layouts? Or did y'all just throw them in after you got the place all mapped out? Funny thing is though, It proves that y'all don't have to make real licensed tracks to make great tracks.
Already having issues with S3 - and I haven't even got it yet! First I go and it keeps telling crap about having the wrong number or something. Then it boots me. So I start over. I clicked the wrong CC option. Right number, wrong card. So i get that straightened up. hit the TAB key one too many times and have to start over. Finally.... Finally get the info, the card and the TAB key straightened up and the bank declines it. I can't complain they've stopped me from being an ID theft victim twice.
Screw it, I'll go through pay pal later......
Hillary and the Emails.....
Two things here. At this point, it doesn't matter what she sent, what email account she used or if any protocols were broken. I mean, all that's a waste of time seeing how China and Russia pretty much hacked all the emails anyone ever sent in the history of email.
Hillary has a rock solid vote machine in place. The lamestreream media will go on and on about how much Trump leads Cruz. or how pathetic Bush is doing. None of that matters. The numbers Trump has in his stats are for the party only. He falls way short of the "Woman from Babylon".
Hillary is scary. She can get knocked up and drive drunk on the way to the abortion clinic and run over a couple of disabled kids waiting for the school bus and STILL win in a landslide.
About Syria.....
That place is one big mess. I seriously doubt that the conflict there will turn into a nuclear slugfest. Uh Israel weapons in the hands of terrorist rebels? That's really not that uncommon. And it really doubtful that the Israeli government gave them to those groups. You know what the gun of choice is for Hezbollah? It's not the AK. The American M16. We don't sell them to Hezbollah....Unless they come over here and shop at gun shows.
Also, Trump has said quite a bit positive things about Putin. Not that I care for Trump. As a somewhat conservative, I can't even almost support any of the GOP herd. In fact, I can't even consider any of them as real conservatives. But he has tapped into a large segment of the voter base, especially Texans, that like Putin and wish everyone would follow his lead on Syria instead of just increasing the madness like what we are all doing now.
I agree with Putin on this policy. It's not pretty, it's not nice, but it beats the current situation. And it's the only solution that doesn't lead to permanent collapse. We can prop up Assad, get the country in order again, then replace his ass once we can find someone more suited to the task instead of just throwing money to any half-wit with a suicide belt in the name of promoting freedom.
But for me, none of that matters. We have a train wreck fixing to happen here. Depending on what Clinton and her administration will and won't get away with once she gets in office will determine a whole lot of things. None of them good. You "greasy foreign kids" know a lot about American politics. Most of y'all know more about it than most of us 'mericans do. LOL Maybe foreign nationals should have the right to vote in our elections?
Oh well at least our politicians don't have a thing for tugging pony tails.... Dude, that's just creepy.
As far as tactical nukes goes? LOL that's depleted uranium bullets and artillery. Not Hydrogen bombs. Still not something to want to have to deal with as both the shooter and surviving targets winds up having problems in the future. The real exchange with the most damaging effects is the gas war the Russians and Saudis are engaging in. The economic ripples from that oil glut is going to be felt all over the planet, if isn't being felt already.
You know, you might be on to something here. Like have a contest. I wouldn't think there'd be THAT many entries and Have a vote system to decide if it wins, which means updateable along with the rest of the licensed tracks. There'd have to be really serious guidelines to prevent crappy mods from being spammed in and copyright issues.
I haven't gotten Rockingham yet, Is it good? Don't spoil it for me...I kinda hope it sucks, so I can whine about it ?
Just got back from 2 weeks backpacking in Belize. Had a blast. Curious thing though. I ran across people from all over the world and some of the richest as well as poorest people in the world. I could go on for years about that experience. Buying lobsters from a rastafarian, talki9ng to a cop about the proper etiquette to use when telling people i didn't want weed... hitch hiking... all sorts of crap. Anyways I ran into a bunch of Canadians. And this might interest you. As "liberal" as what Canada is, they're mored scared of Hillary getting the white house than any two homophobic rednecks you can think of. And I think most knew more about American politics than they did their own.
My wife gots pictures. a lot of snorkeling.... don't head butt a jelly fish (have a Letter "C" looking scar on fore head. Not permanent. going away.)
I'll try and get the damned S3 license ... maybe tomorrow. Actually, I wanna sell all my crap and move there.
How much is S3 in Belizean Dollars? It has the Queen on it, You know.
Last edited by Racer Y, .
Reason : remembered something.
Sorry for going off topic on what seems a dead thread anyways, but this 10th (?)planet issue is kind of weird. Like how do astrologers find all these planets zillions of light years away, yet they just now find this guy? And from what little I've heard, it's supposed to be bigger than Pluto... that may or may not be a planet.
Anyone remember the doomsday planet that was supposed to hit us in 2012?.....uh oh.
And to Racer_X.
Is there any sort of extremist astronomical terrorist groups planning to wreak havok on observatories in the holy name of the 9th planet? And if so, is there a government connection?
And if there isn't then maybe we should start one. We could even get government aid.
My son has this deal on his computer that's similar to the oculus rift. It's some sort of camera that recognizes the user and traces their movements similar to the Wii. He uses it for Project Cars it changes the view of the game based on your movements. I dunno what the hell the thing is called as I just don't care all that much about high tech gadgets anymore, but it is neat. I'll probably break down and get Rockingham after I get back (going to Belize for a couple of weeks.
This sucks! Yeah. I finally broke down set up this computer I got before Christmas. I'm getting burnt out on computers. Finally got around to re installing software and now I discover y'all finally release "S3". In fact, it's been out a few weeks already.... Well I'm right in the middle of a zillion things at once so it might take a few days - no more like a month to buy the upgrade. Going on vacation. Who knows? Maybe y'all throw something else in by then?
Yeah. I would've bought everyone that didn't have an S3 upgrade one today, but the girl at work bought the wrong numbers again. So blame her.
I'll probably get it in a couple of hours.
.....could you model quad copters with LFS physics? You wouldn't have to worry about tire physics.....
I just got back from the company X-m as party (screw you ISIS!). So I can't really say much about the other nine at this time....Hiccup......
I recommend..... Dawes. Yeah dawes. I know he's an @sshole, but you know, he can take a punch as well as dish it out. You don't see that much from people on the net these days. It's nice to know there's actually people out there that aren't hyper sensitive whiners. And we give him a lot a crap ( LOL I know I do) all the time. He takes it in stride. I dunno. It's good to know there's someone out there I can mess with and not have to worry about them taking it all serious and whining and cutting themselves or whatever. And on the track? He's by the book (how long has it been since we swapped paint on S city dawes?)He's a good clean racer. And in between the times he makes us feel like an idiot in a post ( if it hasn't happened to you then you need to post more), he shows remarkable computer savvy. he's forgotten more about computing than I'll ever know. I know he's a goto guy if I was to ever have a problem with a computer I couldn't handle.
Yeah, I recommend Dawes. I think if it wasn't for him, a lot would be lacking for LFS
Oh OK wait.... #9 The legendary Ms Becky Rose. The racing program she came up with was fantastic. It enabled the casual player to play along the same lines as league playing with out the need for commitment. With league races, you were at the mercy of the time zones. not so wither her set up. And it had something regular league play lacked. A real incentive.
I can't remember what those races were called, but I thought it was pure genius. She was also someone with a sensible mind and thick skinned. Hadn't seen her on the forums in a couple of years. Hope she's doing OK.
Well I'm a light weight. Only four watered down gin and tonics. Some other moron can figure out the other eight.
And dawes... don't get all teary eyed on me you #$@!!!!!
What are you going on about?
Look Putin's a mob guy. I don't need redacted media or whatever to know that. I can also tell just by looking at the military attacks what his plan is. You don't need to be a rocket scientist or a conspiracy buff to know this. Just think a little.
Turkey.... Yeah there is a lot of information that looks like Erdogan is dealing with ISIS to some degree. It's a mess over there. This guy fighting that guy whose fighting some other dude that's selling crap to the first guy.
I didn't ignore Turkey. My main focus was on what Putin is doing there. I don't think I left anything out in my thoughts either. If you want to get technical, Turkey is "killing the wrong militants" too. Anything that can strike at the Kurds is a good thing for him it seems.
And will you quit making fun of my "news sources" I've done called yours out on more than one occasion.
I'm just smart enough to know to take my news with a grain of salt. You seem to eat up every thing those half baked news sites make up.
C'mon dude. Gimme a break. I know all about the mainstream media and it's so-called unbiased and impartial journalism. That's what the grain of salt is for. Remember, Yellow Journalism, Sensationalism and media spin are all American invented words and phrases.
But what I said about Putin and his aims? That's pretty much my opinion and not some copy and pasted news article. I know what I'm talking about and I know what the dude is up to.
12 oil trucks and a couple of abandoned buildings. That's about the extent of ISIS targets to the Russians.
Now the Kurds? Russians got their number. He wants all of the moderate groups weakened or eliminated before he goes after ISIS. Think about it. Forget the media lamestream or crackpots. Look at the history of the conflict, look at the players and look at what's at stake for the players. Do you think Putin keeps his navy base and influence in the region if Nusra Front takes over? What if by some miracle those four guys we spent all that money on wins it? Think they'll extend the lease on the boat dock for Russia? Don't go looking up sites, just answer the questions. No. I don't need a reply. Just ask yourself and answer yourself.
I guess it's a little late in the day... but oh well didn't see it til now...
I don't know much about computers, even though working with them pays my bills, I'm still pretty clueless about all the workings. One of the things I have to worry about with graphics programs isn't so much CPU or Graphics card Ram. No. My issue is with swap space How big of a performance hit would the 4K skins have on refresh rates, swap space and memory usage in general? And ...packets(?) from using servers?
Those are kind of concerns. But on the other hand, 4k can get in a lot of detail. I know when I made skins a big problem I had was the distortion from cramming too much crap onto a car skin. Little decals looked blurry.
LOL could you work on making Matte textures for like primer? Or is that a big pain? I don't know. Is it possible to code in the ability to make gloss, semi-gloss and matte finishes on a skin at the same time?
Still stuck on this.....
I saw a Documentary on CNN about ISIS. One of the things those idiots want is to fight the USof A - on their soil. Personally, I would love to see the rest of the planet walk away and we deal with them the way they need to be. no worrying about image, no concern with international standing. Just the sound of a chainsaw.
Anyways there was talk of an ISIS attack on American Soil. Oddly enough, ISIS doesn't appear all that interested in doing that. They want us over there more. It took awhile to understand why. One, we tend to carry guns. Any mass attack they try to pull off might blow up in their faces. Besides, we have the best AKs anyways. On top of that? Some people I know, if they were to capture an ISIS member they wouldn't be so quick to turn him in - alive. Ever see the movie American Me?
And two. We tend to carry guns. Unless they buy ad space on radio and TV announcing their attack, we wouldn't be able to tell those little punks apart from the random gang wars and assorted nut case shooters we already have.
You know, the funny thing is I heard it was RUSSIA buying up that stolen oil from ISIS. When the Russians bomb targets in Syria, they only bomb those wimpy rebel groups that we (US, Turkey - NATO etc...) tried to prop up to take down Assad. The Russians only make token runs at ISIS positions.
Us supporting the Syrian rebel factions.....Total waste of time with that idea... and that's pretty much how We "gave" ISIS all that support. They took it from the people we gave it to. Both in Syria and Iraq. We spent zillions of dollars training, arming and equipping a rebel force capable of ousting Assad (the mad dentist) and all we got for our time and money was like three or four guys. Oh and a bunch of well armed morons called ISIS (Daesh)
I got into a discussion about this mess a couple of days ago. Someone was trying to compare this action in Syria to the start of WWI. Nah... It ain't. It's more like the Chinese Boxer Rebellion You had an international force that fought a common enemy, yet didn't really cooperate with each other and didn't really trust each other either. Plus they fought against the Boxers using tactics based on their own national interests instead of actually trying to get rid of the problem. I think the Crimean War was a little like that too - but that wasn't our war so I'm not too sure.
The problem with Russia? It's they realize that they don't have the influence they once had. And are trying to hold onto what they do have. Putin wants that little navy base he has in Syria. Not much he can do with that little base except use it for bragging rights. But with Assad gone? No more boat dock for Putin.
Yeah. Putin totally messed up a perfectly good PR campaign for himself with his stupid actions.
What he should've done is use is influence in Syria to force Assad to abdicate, Set up a puppet regime and then start a campaign to "include" rebel leaders. Then go after ISIS. He could've done that and wound up being a world hero. But nope, like all other mobsters, Putin doesn't know how to enact foreign policy in a legitimate manner.
He's taking out moderate and reformist rebel factions first to leave us with a choice of ISIS or Assad.
He thinks the rest of the world will deal with that choice and stick with Assad. Not going to happen. Way WAAAAYYY too many world leaders were flapping their mouths about taking out Assad in public speeches.
Any Syrian that gets drunk and says ASSAD sucks in a bar will be getting foreign aid in the hopes of taking that clown out.
Yeah. Putin's plan is going to turn that place into another Somalia. And he's probably going to lose his navy base as well.
Funny thing about ISIS.... they could be totally taken out in about week. A combined attack on their social media (their best tool) and their leadership would cripple them. The lone wolf types will still be working, though not as much. It's kinda hard to be a terrorist when you have nothing to terrorize with.
GO ahead, admit it. By trying to be a smart ass, you were being a dumb ass.
When I posted this originally, I heard a updated story where it was pretty much the gasoline cars too.
It seems at first they tried damage control by just admitting to the diesels, but it's beginning to look like they got other things hid under the rug.
Oh well. If GM can kill people and get away with it, what's a couple of cars with crappy emissions?
You know, I finally given up on S3 ever getting released or ever seeing that stupid Scirrocco(spelling?) on Blackwood. But recently, I been seeing news stories concerning Volkswagen. And have been loosely keeping up with the story as it unfolds. It made me wonder about something.
If by some miracle S3 comes out AND they put the stupid VW chick car in the mix, will the car be modeled after the real specs of the car? Or the will it be made based on the ones VW made up to get decent gas milage claims and lowered emissions? Or would the car be more realistic? Like when making a set up for the car, you read all the notes on the sliders - and it lies to you.
Yoda: (yelling) Can you count, suckers? I say, the future is ours... if you can count! (a couple of Jedi Knights cheer for Yoda) Now, look what we have here before us. You got the Sand People sitting next to the Ewoks. We've got the Jawas right by the Droids. Nobody is wasting nobody. That... is a miracle. And miracles is the way things ought to be. (a few more Jedi Knights cheer for him) You're standing right now with nine delegates from 100 Systems. And there's over a hundred more. That's 20,000 hardcore members. Forty-thousand, counting affiliates, and twenty-thousand more, not organized, but ready to fight: 60,000 soldiers! Now, there ain't but 20,000 Storm Troopers in the whole galaxy. Can you dig it? (gang members shout "Yeah!") Can you dig it? Can you dig it?! Now, here's the sum total: One Force could run this galaxy! One Force. Nothing would move without us allowing it to happen. We could tax the crime syndicates, the police, because WE got the systems, suckers! Can you dig it? The problem in the past has been the Emperor turning us against one another. We have been unable to see the truth, because we have fighting for ten square parsecs of space, our turf, our little piece of turf. That's crap, brothers! The turf is ours by right, because it's our turn. All we have to do is keep up the general truce. We take over one planet at a time. Secure our territory... secure our turf... because it's all our turf!
Watch this and replace Cyrus with Yoda, Swan with SKywalker, the gangs with aliens, the cops rolling up as tie fighters...
I'm sorry... Sorta bored and stuck on Star Wars Mash up movies.
Star Warriors!
Starts off with a Stadium on Tatoonie Where they have the Chariot races - only it's at night and representatives from all over the galaxy are there. Yoda is on a podium Yelling One Force can rule this Galaxy!, Can you Dig it? And Vader whose in the crowd with Darth Maul and Boba Fet Shoots him. And yells He shot Yoda! That's Him! The Rebel. and points at Luke Swanwalker. There's a scene where Obi-wan is on a subway platform on the death star and gets kicked into a train trying to keep Princess Leia From being arrested by a Storm Trooper. Han Solo Gets turned to Ice by an undercover cop on a park bench and the ending...
Luke, Leia, Chewbaca and the Droids make it back to Coney Island. A big triangle space ship arrives... You hear beer bottles clinking and Darth Vader singing, LUUUUKE I'm You're Father LUUUUUUKKKEE! I'm your Father.
They go down to the beach where right before Vader can blast him with the same gun he killed yoda with, Luke Swanwalker throws his switch saber and stabs him in the arm. Then The Grammercy Jedis show up and Luke Chewie, Leia C3P0 and R2D2 walk away down the beach to a Joe Walsh song.
ROFL Jar Jar saying They're lame. Real cripples......